About me

I am an engineer with experience in research projects, data learning and programming. Currently, I mainly work with water resources projects, but curious to all fields where data can help system understanding and impact decisions. Background in programming, statistics and spatial data. Actively programming for almost 10 years I have made contributions to the state of the art in environmental models and developed software to help decision-making related to water resources management.

I got a B.S. in Environmental and Sanitation Engineering, and a M.S. in Water Resources. Currently, I am a PhD researcher in Water Resources. I have been studying complex systems that require an interdisciplinary view (environment, economics, sociological). Specifically, I’m trying to find the best water allocation strategy for a canal considering how water users think and make decisions. Alternatively, I have a crush in Bayesian Inference and have been developing environmental models using Bayesian statistics. I have published papers in these fields and others that I have studied in the past (green roofs and rainwater harvesting, water pollutant removal using adsorption, education).

Also, I work as a Front-end developer. I maily worked in SIGA, an innovative decision support system for water resources in Brazil. It is currently being used by several state water agencies. With my background in engineering I helped develop the SIGA’s User Interface considering the engineer point of view. Therefore, enhancing its usability.